Tuesday 31 May 2011

Summary Campus 2

The campus 2 behaviour management procedure was very successful in my opinion. Being able to use the procedure while teaching gave me a very good example of why it worked so well.
It was clear and easy to understand for the students and the teachers. Obviously to get the procedure right though it also took into hand the role of the teacher.

I found that using the procedure, the first warning had to be given out as soon as a student did something wrong, because they were able to see that the teacher would not be seen as a push over and that they (the students) can not get away with mucking around and disrupting the class.

Once that the students saw that other students were getting warnings, it helped the whole grade because they didn't want one.
If students kept going, with the open learning spaces it was easy to move them to somewhere where they would not disrupt the class but would also still be in the room and able to be seen.

If students push it to far, they should be issued with a demerit and clearly explained that the next step is for them to be moved from the grade. Once they have been given a demerit, they usually stop mis-behaving all together. When I was teaching if I gave a demerit, I was quick to have a chat to them just to let them know exactly why they have demerit, so they understand. I also found this when I was observing class'. It was funny to see how much a students behaviour can change when given a demerit.

I had only seen one exit in my time teaching, which let me know how much students respected the discipline procedure. No students wanted demerits, and if they did it was very rarely that their bad behaviour would continue after the demerit.

I found that once you were able to use this procedure to control behaviour that my class' were changing from giving out demerits to merits.

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