Tuesday 31 May 2011

Campus 3 Summary

At Campus three the warning system is in place and is used quite regularly. There have been many occasions when students have chosen to not learn and misbehave when I have witnessed the steps be taken place.
On one occasion a year nine student was not listening and consistently interrupting the grade. They were yelling over the top of the teacher to students on the other side of the room as well as pass Byers walking around the learning space. The teacher implemented the system, first telling the students that “he was to behave because it was time for learning” the student chose to ignore the comment and the teacher said the students name and then said “if you continue to talk while I am teaching you will have to be moved; this is your warning” The student went quiet for about a minute then started yelling out to pass Byers once again, so the teacher moved the student to a more suitable position where he felt as though there would be less chance of distraction, however this was not the case. This was the student’s second warning and when told to move the student was made aware that if he was to do anything else wrong he would be exited. The student just started to be even more of a distraction throwing bits of paper at the other members of the class and laughing loudly which was not only stopping himself from learning but was causing the other students to disengage from the class work. The teacher then stopped the student and politely told him that he was being exited and to pack up his belongings, the student was annoyed and acted poorly to this but did as he was told with a lot of whining. After the lesson the teacher, the student involved and the coordinator got together to discuss the event which took place in the class time. The student had filled out the form in a rather negative manner and it was clear no real thought was taken when filling the form in. when asked about the answers he had given he didn’t recall it and wanted to change his response after talking thought the sheet with the student it was clear that the student was struggling in that particular class and was misbehaving to get out of the work. In conclusion to this situation the teachers arranged for a time to spend going over the material learnt that term with the student. After this the weeks that followed there was no misbehaving from this student. I feel as though the most important aspect of this system is the follow up which allows for teachers to effectively communicate how they are feeling and why they are acting the way they are. It also makes for a peaceful workplace for both teachers and students as they are given the chance to discuss what they feel is important for them to do their role right.

On a separate occasion and day I was able to see another event when this system was put in place. A year seven student came to class late and was given a warning that if she misbehaved she would be moved from her seating arrangement; the student spoke back to the teafcher saying that it was unfair and he always picks on her, she was clearly not happy, the teacher told her to calm down and it was fine for her to stay there as long as she worked cooperatively for the lesson; within five minutes of this discussion the student started to bang on her desk and play on her phone and show the other two students sitting next to her the screen of her phone. This was inappropriate use of class time so the teacher moved her to a new seat. She refused to move so the teacher had no other choice but to exit her. She left the class and the grade continually with much less noise and distractions. It set the rules for the other students that misbehaving was inappropriate and would not be tolerated. After the lesson the teacher and the coordinator met up with the student to discuss her behavior it was found from after talking to her one on one she got emotional and the teachers found that there was issues going on at home leading her to not be focused in class. These events at home were causing her to lose sleep which she felt was effecting her mood and therefore she found it hard to regain interest in class as her mind was elsewhere. She was arranged to meet up with the school councilor and arrangements can be made to help her with her learning so that she could continue to learn in a happy place where she felt comfortable and there wasn’t too much pressure. In this example of the use of the system although it might of seemed harsh to the student at the time she later learnt that the teachers really do care about her wellbeing and did their best to allow her to be educated to the best of her and their abilities so that she can moved forward with lots of knowledge.

I found that in all of the situations which this system was put in place all students which I later spoke to found that it benefited their learning although they may not of felt it at the time, with further reflection they believed that their teacher did the correct thing by exiting them. They also felt that with the warnings the system is fair. Overall the system worked to the schools favor benefiting all involved.

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