Thursday 26 May 2011

Campus 2 Procedure

Demerit slip (red)
Exiting Slip (Purple)
Merit slip (Green)

Campus 2 uses a demerit system for its behaviour management of its students.

The steps taken by the teachers are as follows;

1. Verbal warning

If the student has done something wrong, clearly state to them that they have a warning, and explain how their behaviour has had an impact on the class and how it has effected learning of others.

2. Isolation in learning environment.

Move the student to another table separated from the rest of the class. Explain to them that until their behaviour improves they will not be able to sit in with the rest of the class.
Make sure they have work to continue with while being in isolation.

3. Demerit

Clearly state that they have been issued a demerit and how they have been given 2 warnings and despite this their behaviour has not improved. Inform the student that if their poor behaviour still continues that  they will be exited, meaning a Leading Teacher/Coordinator/Principal will be called to collect the student from the collect the student to remove them from the class.

4. Exit

Send a good student to the office with the Exit slip (purple).
Office contacts Coordinator/Leading Teacher/ Principal who is available, then they collect the student from the class.
Exiting teacher fills in an incident report.
A meeting is held with student, Coordinator/Leading Teacher or Principal and exiting teacher, only then the student can return to normal class'.

A merit is awarded to students who have displayed excellent behaviour and have followed the school policy in class. It can be awarded for Communal responsibility and personal responsibility.

A merit can be awarded to students for;

Communal Responsibility

  • Help in conflict resolution
  • Helping create an orderly learning environment
  • Helping other students' learning process'

Personal Responsibility
  • Completing Tasks to an excellent standard
  • Independent learning, beyond and above the expected level
  • Meeting 90% attendance target for 2 weeks in a row
  • Showing great improvement
  • Being an excellent role model, respecting the teacher and fellow students
  • Consistently showing readiness for leaning (5 days)

The incentive of merits is that once they receive 5 they receive a $20 canteen voucher.

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