Thursday 26 May 2011

School Managment Policy

Student Learning Behaviour Policy
  • All students have the right and responsibility to learn
  • All students have the right and responsibility to feel comfortable and safe
Every member of the college community is responsible for creating a positive, supportive and safe learning environment.
  • Ensure a co-operative, supportive, safe and orderly environment where effective learning and teaching occur.
  • Establish structures and processes which focus on a positive preventative approach to the management of student behaviour.
  • Define acceptable student behaviour and appropriate discipline and support measures.

 Town Park

This policy is adopted by all three campuses (Town Park, Dimboola and Blair St). However, the implementation of this policy varies between campuses as research indicates specific methods of discipline and support measures are most constructive when used with certain age groups. The following inquiry aims to dissect the current student learning behaviour policy, in particular behavioural management: is it implemented in the respective campuses and to what extent is its effectiveness?
It looks like misbehaviour. It sounds like misbehaviour and it definitely feels like misbehaviour. Acting up, disrespectfulness and other signs of apparent disobedience may have a strong link with lack of communication skills and a lack of cause-and-effect thinking rather than with deliberate malicious intent
For students at Town Park, behaviour management is not as big of a concern as it is in other campuses. Students at this campus are however, seemingly disengaged in learning and this therefore contributes to students’ overall behaviour and work ethic.
Town Park Campus
  • Follows the ‘behaviour support system’.
  • Students are given three warnings before they are exited from the class to the team co-ordinator/leader or principle. However demerit points are not handed out to students.
  • Students are supported in a safe and orderly environment
  • Structures and processes focus on a positive preventative approach to the management of student behaviour.

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